
Showing posts from January, 2020

Dog Sitting On Back of A Bike

Dog Sitting On Back of A Bike and wearing Helmet when it is in Riding  asper image  shows   man riding his bike  and dog sitting behind him like a human, with both placed the back legs side by side and putting his from legs on his men shoulder and taking support and wearing helmet for taking safety or following traffic rules.  this video makes go viral by seeing that dog is sitting as like as men it makes viewers make amazing how dog sit on bike  Dog wearing helmet for safety in Tamilnadu.. Really admiring the owner's care..❤❤ — Pramod Madhav (@madhavpramod1) January 7, 2020 as per this news 17-second clip was shared, it started going viral with over 53.8 k views at the time of filing the copy. However, the video left the internet divided into two groups.